Friday, December 25, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Catch UP
Wow, got a lot of catch up to do! Dutch is back! Waylon is back!
Check back often as I'll be filling the blog up.
Check back often as I'll be filling the blog up.
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dutch Brodie stepped in over at Disengaged tonight. He did his regular great show!
Disengaged has 169 members as of today, here is what the charter says:
Rock, country, R&B.. you name it..
Dallas Silverspar, Gary Jonstone, Hazie Moonwall & Christina Bikergrrl ... great friends.. four performers in one world... the best is yet to come.. be a part of it.
Here is your slurl for Disengaged
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Lance Windlow

Lance Windlow was singing over at Mustang Sally.
Here is Lance's Bio:
Lance Windlow has a long history of performing in Real Life. He plays the guitar, keyboard, and is an excellent vocalist. He has a passion for music of all styles. In Real Life, he performs as a one man band, playing for dinner dances and similar functions.
In Second Life, Lance has chosen to take advantage of the wonderful multimedia features that are available. He is much more than a live singer - he is an entertainer in every sense of the word. Sexy dancers, special effects, a great sense of humor, and wonderful rapport with the audience are the hallmarks of a Lance Windlow performance.
He does rock, country, blues, standards and originals. He creates his own backings using his guitars, keyboards and special software. He can also perform 100% live with an acoustic guitar. With over 250 songs in his repertoire, Lance can please any audience and venue.
His fan club of over 2800 members is testimony to his popularity as one of Second Life's prmier entertainers.
Catch a show when you can!
Mustang Sally

Mustang Sally is a new live music venue.
Here's what the owner Rainey483Adamczyk has to say about the club:
SUNDAYS4-6pm slt
Here's your slurl for Mustang Sally
Rosa Gardner

Check out DJ Rosa Gardner when you get a chance. Tonight she was spinning the tunes at Dumplings.
Rosa has been around and knows the best songs to play. She is one of the best DJs.....send her an IM and she will play whatever ya want.
She's great to chat with. Find out where and when she is DJing and throw the IM's at her :)
Dallas Silverspar
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
TerryLynn Melody

TerryLynn Melody was singing over at Nevermore's L'Quen Oreben Park.
Here is what her bio says:
I am a professional musician and songwriter who is quickly growing a fan base in SL and hope to grow that further. I have been performing a little over 4 months and have a fan group of over 170 people, in that very short time. I hope you will take some time and check out a show. I look forward to hearing from you or one of your representatives.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
TerryLynn Melody Live Musician Bio
TerryLynn Melody is a singer songwriter and guitarist who performs ORIGINAL folk, country and blues. She does cover music as well, performing, pop, rock, country, blues and folk from the 50's to today. Her music is heard regularly in Second Life and is available for purchase on her myspace at
With nothing more than a guitar and her voice, this live acoustic musican is quickly gaining a following by captivating audiences with her songs and stories. She has been performing in SL since July of 2009 and the responce has been overwhelming.
PLEASE contact her directly via regarding bookings either by note card or email at or she can be reached at Skype as TessaMcGill
Her group is called Terry's Trouble Makers and is up to 215 member as of today. Be sure to check her out!
molly Serpente

molly Serpente was singing over at Dumplings tonight.
Here's what her profile says:
I am old fashioned kinda gal, and love music. Feel free to come listen to me sing.
Otie Ragu....thank you SO much for recording this on Youtube for me! You are doing an awesome job at videos, and I am SO proud of you!I love you!
Give her an IM to find out where she is singing next!
Friday, October 9, 2009
OnlyHalfCrazy Gumbo

Wow, want to be entertained? Catch a OnlyHalfCrazy Gumbo show!
As of today there are 231 members in her group. It's easy to join the group. Here are the requirements:
To be a Half-Crazed Groupie you must want to have FUN, love music, and not spam the IMs.
Here is what her profile says:
I was born in RL, but I've lost the LM. So here I am!
I'm a live singer with a wide selection of songs thanks to the wonders of backtracks. I do Rock, Country, some blues, some showtunes, some jazz.
Sometimes I pretend I have a brain, but really, if you start taking me seriously, you are going to wind up seriously crazy!! Try not to do that, unless of course you are a half crazed groupie, then you've like, already done it!
She does a great job putting the entertainment into live entertainment!
Cocoa Beach

Cocoa Beach is the place to be for some live music!
Sterling Siberfeld and DawnRyder Wycliffe are the owners of Cocoa Beach. This is what they have to say:
Sterling & DawnRyder welcome you to Cocoa Beach where we host live music every night of the week. Sundays at noon Rock House Tribute honors a famous performer. Saturday Mers helping Mers meet in our safe waters lagoon.
Come dance under the stars ... on the dance floor or on the beach!!!
✿'*:-.,_,.-:* See you at the Beach *:-.,_,.-:*`*✿
Here is your slurl for Cocoa Beach
Potlatch Foggarty

Potlatch Foggarty was singing over at Cocoa Beach this evening.
His profile says:
I'm a singer/songwriter enjoying all of what SL has to offer. While most might say that would be the extraordinary scenes, the ability to perform or build, the true value of this virtual environment are the people you meet, and the relationships (if your lucky) that ensue.
Although music is a passion for me, I also enjoy building and meeting people, seems there is always something more to learn. Feel free to visit my website and sample some of my music and music videos.
Contact him to join his group and find out where the next show is.
Lolene Quicksand

Lolene Quicksand was over at Falling Waters tonight singing some good Ol' Country Music!
Here is her info:
In 2003 and 2004, Lolene worked at the Parks Place Studio in the Greater Nashville, TN area on her second CD, Everything You Are. EYA tells a common story of a woman's life long search for her identity and true love. The 11 song CD presentations was written by some of the finest songwriters available, including Bill LaBounty, Pat McLaughlin, Gilles Goddard, and Gail Davies, amoung others.
Her Profile says:
Regular Bookings at SL:
Flying Giraffe, Monday 4-5 pm slt
Eons Ballroom: Wednesday 4-5 pm slt
Lil Red's Saloon: Thursday at 3-4 pm slt, starting 9/17/09
Falling Waters: Fridays at 5 pm slt
Gun Smoke Saloon, Sunday, 1-2 pm slt
Mustang Sally's, Sunday, 4-5 pm slt
When you get a chance, catch a show! You can check out here web site here:
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Phoenix Falls

Was over at Phoenix Falls this evening. Check it out when you get a chance.
The owner of Phoenix Falls is que Zanzibar, here is what he has to say about this venue:
Phoenix Falls Live Venue is destined to be one of the best in Second Life. The venue is owner supported and I want no tips. What I do ask is that you be extra generous to the musicians who are entertaining for tips only, as well as our welcoming hosts and hostesses. They work hard also!
I have tried to keep the place clean, simple, low lag, and yet have plenty of enjoyment and class! By the waterfall opposite the entertainment stage, you will find a hot tub. Also, intan couple and single dance balls are over head. For your convenience, the rocks by the stage and hot tub have dance animations in them as well. I want you to have the best time of your second life!
In exchange, I ask that if you like what you see/hear and are having a good time, teleport your friends in so they can have a good time with you! The larger our turn out, the more likely I am to get the best entertainers Second Life has to offer.
Check out the website at:
Come join the group, as of today there are 36 members.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Kedryn McMillan

Kedryn McMillan is DJing over at Black Horse tonight.
Here's what Kedryn's profile says:
♫ WiKED Radio♫
SL Disc Jockey, look at my Picks to see the clubs I do shows. Country Western, Rock, Easy Listening, and more! I play requests just IM me on SL. Just set your radios to the above URL.
Cutom professional promotionals tracks for DJ's and Clubs IM for details.
Skype callto:kedryn.mcmillan
There are 38 members in Ked's group. Drop him and IM and join up!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Diamonds & Spurs

Diamonds & Spurs is a live music venue. Here is their info:
Hello and thank you for your interest in our new club, Diamonds & Spurs. We strive to have entertainment throughout the week with Live Performers and DJs for Country, Rock, Jazz and a little bit of everything in between.
Please use the landmark provided below to come back and visit us.
Here is your slurl for Diamonds & Spurs
Patti Liberty and Lance Jansen,
Diamonds & Spurs Owners
Here is our current lineup (All times listed are in Second Life Time):
Tuesday: DJ Boldo Runo (Country) 5-7 PM, Clarice Karu (Live Jazz/Rock) 7-8 PM and Trav McCullough (Live Country) 8-9 PM
Wednesday: DJ Nate (Country) 3-5 PM, Hayden Sandalwood (Live Country) 6-7 PM, Quinton Diavolo (Live Rock) 7-8 PM
Thursday: EdHausen Morpork (Alternates w/ Live Country and Jazz) 5-6 PM, Khiron Ametza every other week (Live Progressive Rock) 6-7 PM.
Friday: Angee Seetan (Alternates w/ Live Country and Jazz) 5-6 PM, ELiz Watanabe (Alternates w/ Live Country and Jazz) 6-7 PM. Savannah Coronet every other week (Live Country) 7-8 PM).
Saturday: Erin68 Frog/Satin Galli (Every other week Live Country) 12 Noon- 1 PM, Merrick Robonaught 4-5 PM and MrMikie String (Alternates w/ Live Country and Jazz) 5-6 PM.
Sunday: Mica Breen (Every other week Live Country) 3-4 PM, DJ Boldo Runo (Rock) 4-6 PM and Gregg Huet (Live Rock) 6-7 PM.
We are always on the lookout for established and new up and coming DJs and Live Performers. Please IM Lance Jansen if you are interested in becoming a part of this outstanding lineup.
Trav McCullough

Trav McCullough took the stage this evening over at Diamonds & Spurs.
Trav has this in his profile:
Trav McCullough is passionate about music. He possesses a powerful, rich voice, and loves a song that plays with your emotions and makes you feel something, Trav started singing gospel music in his teens. These days, while he still loves gospel, he also loves to sing pop, light rock and country. He loves the music of Josh Groban, Neil Diamond, Chris Isaak and Il Divo. If you like music that touches your heart, you'll enjoy Trav’s music.
Calendar of Events:
If you want to hear a sampling of Trav's music, check out this slurl
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Guthries Folk Club

Hey yall, check out Guthries Folk Club for some relaxing live music.
Here is the description:
We celebrate our American Folk Hero Woodrow Wilson Guthrie and entertain you with the best of Folk, Blues, Country, Rock Ballads, Celtic, Pop, and Songwriters! No pre-recorded songs or karaoke, just totally live Acoustic Music! "Feels like home."
You can contact Dottie Iceberg for more information or this is what her profile says:
To see all all upcoming events scheduled or to see what days are availabe, visit my calendar at: (Also in Web Browser)
Guthrie's In Second Life: (YouTube) and
Guthries is home to American and Traditional Live Folk music as well as many other styles here in SL! Please join us for some of the best Musicians, and let us always keep folk music alive in our hearts!
Russell Eponym

You can chill out with Russell Eponym. Folk music was relaxing this morning over at Guthries Folk Club.
IM Russell for booking information.
Thanks to my eponymous family for their support.
“You are what I never knew I always wanted”
This is what his profile says:
Russell Taylor Ashby
Quintessentially British living in North Wales
- musician/singer/songwriter
- artist
- writer
- teacher
For free downloads go to:
For photos go to:
AKK Horse Ranch

Need a horse, or a place to do some riding? Just head over the AKK Horse Ranch. They have many to choose from.
This is a description of the place.
Best selection of horses and related items. Real traffic, PG, Kids Ponies,Horse Barns,rideing clothes,Knights Jousting Armor, SnapTack,Nightmare,Skeleton horses Kaiila unicorn horses,jumps,pony,Donkey,Roman,chariots, Jewelery,Deer, stag,
For more information about the group you can contact Kristivon Kolache.
Here is the slurl for AKK Horse Ranch
Dutch Brodie

If you missed out on Dutch Brodie at Quasar last night, dont worry he is beginning his comeback tour shortly. Yes, Dutch Brodie and the County Line Band is back!
Last night Dutch filled in for Waylon Haystack (playing bass in the top pic) and had help from yours truly on steel and Ashton Xeltentat on drums.
Be sure to ask Dutch or me about getting a Brodies Roadies group tag.
To book Dutch and the County Line Band just contact Chopper Wind. You will get a great singer and a show to remember.
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Azzure is a live music venue owned by Savannah Coronet and Marcello21 Bilasimo.
As of today there are 428 members in the group.
The charter says:
Here is the Slurl for Azzure
Cosmic Haystack

Over at Azzure Cosmic Haystack does the Country Bluegrass. You will want to check that out!
As of today, Cosmic has 50 members in his group.
The group charter says:
Good 'ole Country Bluegrass banjo pickin’ with a Cosmic twist! IM Reggier Rimbaud for booking.
Saturday, September 26:
Azzure, 8 PM
Cosmic's profile has more info:
Good 'ole Country Bluegrass banjo pickin’ with a Cosmic twist! Jazz/Funk/Rock fusion virtuosity . . . on the banjo! Impossible, you say? Open your mind and your ears to Cosmic Haystack! Taking a traditional musical instrument and warping it around adventurous noodling, Cosmic must be heard to be believed.
Bookings/Bio/Info: Please contact Reggier Rimbaud, I cannot answer inquiries
Find out where he will be and come check him out.

Savannah Coronet was singing over at Wiseguys. You will want to check this place out. Always a big crowd!
Falcon Campese is the owner of Wiseguys. This is what he says in his profile:
Owner of the Wiseguys Social Club, one of SL's premiere live music venues. Check out our calendar of events through the addy on my web tab. And drop by the club! We have 24 live acts per week w/ some of SL's best talent. We also have over 50 shops filled with items from the best designers in sl! Get the lm in my picks.
Here is your slurl for Wiseguys.
Helle's Angels

Mica Breen was over at Helle's Angels. As you can see there's still more to come.
FinalSaga Sodwind, Lonawe Beck and Helle Mensing are owners of Helle's Angels. As of today there are 92 members in the group.
Here's what the group charter says:
Helle's Angels Music and Art Club
The Music (1st and 2nd floor)
With all kinds of music, Live aswell as other.
With a range from Jazz to Heavy Metal
Gallery Helle Main Store (3rd Floor)
Fine Art Gallery on the 3rd floor
Large aswell as small in style of Luis Royo as well as many othersGroup
Come on out and see what's going on. Here's your slurl for Helle's Angels
Dallas Winslet

Was over at Falling Waters this afternoon and caught a show by Dallas Winslet.
Here's what his profile says:
Hi im Dallas im a singer in rl and sl. Im from Arizona. Music is my life ,Came to sl to sing and meet people.I like All type of music.I an health advocate ...I DO NOT DO DRAMA....PLEASE LEAVE IT AT THE BACK DOOR..HERE FOR LOVE OF MUSIC...
Would love to welcome each of you to one of my shows..
I am currently booking for 2009
I would be only to happy to discuss the possibility of singing for you in your venue.And thank you for taking the time to read this note and for your interest.
Like it says, contact him if your looking for a singer for your venue.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Gun Smoke Saloon

I heard EdHausen Morpork over at the Gun Smoke Saloon this afternoon.
As of today there are 296 members in the group.
The Owners are Cowboy Nagy and Wolfman Okelly.
In Cowboy Nagy's picks this is what it says about The Gun Smoke Saloon:
THE GUN SMOKE SALOON IS A GREAT PLACE TOO DANCE LINE DANCE OR SINGLES DANCEwe have live music friday sat and sunday, 5 singers each day
closed on mon tues wed thurs we have dj's.
Here is your slurl for Gun Smoke Saloon, go check it out.
Charndon Kass

Charndon Kass was singing at the Swamp this evening.
This is what her profile says:
I came to SL to sing and found love. Cowboy has shown me that all things are possible when two people are committed to making it happen. I love you honey.
Stop into the Gunsmoke Saloon and see us. We will be there smiling and dancing in some corner....
Give her an IM to find out about group information or when her next show is.
Dougie Moonites

Dougie Moonites was singing over at Ivey's Jungle Boogie.
Here's what Dougie's profile says:
Hello Everyone I am a live Country Artist here on SL singing everything from Merle Haggard to Jason Aldean. My events calender is located under the Web tab, for booking info please contact Me or mereleigh Miles. Thanks everyone we love you episode and we will see yall on the grids.
Here is Dougie's Bio:
Dougie Moonites definitely marches to the beat of his own drum! His unique, down to earth sound stems from his southern country roots. Born in South Carolina he has made his way north to Missouri. Dougie is rapidly gaining a significant following here in SL. He sings regularly in several well established SL venues and is a favourite with fans and venue owners.
He grew up listening to both country and rock and toured in RL for several years. Dougie’s sound epitomizes great country music - honky tonk and Southern-fried country-rock, up tempo tunes and well-polished ballads. Influenced by Marshall Tucker Band, Allman Brothers Band, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Johnny Paycheck & Merle Haggard, he is a seasoned performer and has a song list that’s filled with today’s and yesterday’s favourite tunes!
Come on over and enjoy his show! You will definitely be shaking your "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk"
Dougie Moonites - Booking rates - To Be Discussed. We can discuss rates for multiple bookings.
To book Dougie at your venue please IM Dougie Moonites or mereleigh Miles. Additionally Dougie's up-to-date calendar is located on the webtab of his profile so that you can quickly and easily see his availability. His MySpace will be online shortly so that you're able to preview his great music!! Thank you very much.
Click here to check his calendar.
Dougie's group is Episode Entertainment. As of today there are 395 members in the group. Catch a Dougie Moonites show and see what the excitement is all about.

Savannah was singing over at Skyline. This Live Music Venue is owned by Lili Paneer and mudpile Ansar.
The group charter says: A romantic getaway for all to enjoy.
As of today there are 81 members in the group.
Here's your slurl for Skyline, Inc.
Colt Arun
excidium Stonewall

Ok.....after Classic Country I headed over to Black Horse where the party is ALWAYS going on. DJing over there was the Owner excidium Stonewall. As you can tell from the pic, where you find ex you find Mackenzie Ariel.
Anytime, day or night, when you go to Black Horse you will find a crowd of friendly folks. Come on over and join the fun and you might get to hear the Kansas Cowboy, excidium Stonewall.
Classic Country Sunday

A good way to start your Sunday out is to head over to Quasar for some Classic Country Music from Owner and DJ coloradocowboy Manen.
This goes on every Sunday starting at 10:00SL
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
mica Breen

mica Breen was singing over at NightWish this evening.
Here's what mica's fan club charter says:
This is a fanclub for Mica&faith and lilangel Breen.we stand alone with the best family of people in sl bar none not only here to sing to great folks but to give them a fun venue to hang out at and race,play games,shop
we kick it loud and proud
running around the grids of sl putting on some of the best shows you will find it is not only mica's singing that makes us kick all is our awsome fans who we love so much a big mess with one.
you mess with us you all ,mica&faith
There are 389 members of the group as of today.
You can tell by the picture above that this is a family group :)
Pier's Paradise

Pier's Paridise is a live music venue.
The Group Charter says:
Pier's Paradise is a live music venue showcasing some of SL's best musicians. Located above the beautiful Fish Cove, Pier's Paradise is a relaxing entertainment experience. Come listen, dance, and interact with your favorite artist.
As of today there are 84 members in the group.
Fish Parkin and Cancer Piers are the owners. Here is your slurl for Pier's Paridise
Stop by and check it out!
Friday, September 11, 2009

Started out tonight over at Blinkies to see Gary Jonstone. What a great country singer and a really good venue.
Blinkies group has 195 members as of today.
The Group charter says:
Blinkies live music Venue!! Come and enjoy the music.
If you'd like to play my venue contact blink182 Magic Thanks
Here is your slurl for Blinkies
Also, check out Blinkies little bit of everything store. She's made everything in there herself and most things are 50L or less. She's got clothes, funiture, beds, fountains, art, tattoos...and more.
Four Moons Pub

Was over at Four Moons Pub this evening. This is another live music venue that you will want to check out.
Here is what the charter says:
Welcome to Four Moon's Pub! The pub is the brainchild of VanMorrison and Co-owned with Hiram Foxtrot. The pub has been established as an expression of a shared interest in keeping live music performance alive and thriving in SL. Our goal is to provide the best of live music in Second Life in an atmosphere that all can enjoy
There are 159 members in the Four Moons group as of today.
Here is your slurl for Four Moons Pub
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Savannah Coronet's Patsy Cline
Over at Wiseguys today Savannah Coronet did a tribute to Patsy Cline. If you get a chance to catch one of these shows you better show up early. The place fills up fast. There were over 70 folks there when I got there, and I couldn't even get everything rezzed up enough for a picture. The place was PACKED. So, I just grabbed a chair and enjoyed the show.
Savannah's popularity continues to grow. She is up over 730 members now in her group. :)
Savannah's popularity continues to grow. She is up over 730 members now in her group. :)
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Check out OUTLAWZ SALOON & STORES. The club is owned by TJ Krokus and Rench Bruun.
Here is what the group charter says:
We are a freindly place, good country music, line dancing, couples line dance and couples dancing with that someone special. We just might mix a little rock in there too... We will also be bringing you some awesome stores where u can spend and look good all at the same time :)))
western, country, saloon, bar, line dance, couple dance, shopping, western clothing, chaps, cowboy, cowgirl, cowboy hat, jeans, western wear, clothing, store rent,
ZVZ Clothing, Mia, barns, horse supplies, clothes, bar
As of today there are 119 members in the group.
Here is your slurl for QUTLAWZ SALOON & STORES
Go check the place out, friendly folks. :)
dannyboy Fhang

dannyboy Fhang was also DJing over at Black Horse Country today. Check out his bio below and IM him to join the fan club!
The friendliest dj you'll ever meet. I dj in both SL and RL. I love to play country music as well as blues and rock. I play at these wonderful places
Black Horse Country -- Country
Sat 9a-11a
Sun 8a-10a
Outlawz Saloon -- Country
Mon 7p-9p
I play other venues as well. Send me an IM to dannyboy Fhang if you want the schedule or to become a member of the fan club.
Feel free to drop by anytime. My favorite part about being a DJ is the requests and dedications. I'm known for having the sexiest DJ voice on SL. See y'all at the shows :)
Toad Miles

Toad Miles was DJing over at Black Horse Country today.
Here is what her profile says:
I am here to have a good time , love to visit new sites,LOVE all types of music
I am a DJ for hire just IM me for info
My love for you is a journey;
Starting at forever,
And ending at never.
Once in awhile,
Right in the middle of an ordinary life,
Love gives us a fairy tale.
Send her an IM to find out when and where she will be Djing.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
coloradocowboy Manen

coloradocowboy Manen or as we call him CC, was DJing at his place (Quasar Country Saloon) tonight. They had a best in bikers and babes contest.
CC has one of the best DJ voices in Secondlife. Here's what his profile says under picks.
DJ for hire for all your club, party and wedding needs. Hear me at the following places and times:
Wed 7pm to 9pm Sphynx Jazz Club
Thurs 12pm to 2pm Sphynx Jazz Club
Thurs, Fri 8 to 10pm Quasar Country Roadhouse
Sunday 10am to noon Quasar Country Roadhouse
Sunday 8pm to 10pm Moonlight Serenade
Come by and check him out!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Ghostwalker Schwarz

DJing at Dumplings today was Ghostwalker Schwarz. Ghostwalker is one of the many Country DJs in Secondlife.
Here is what his bio says:
My name is Ghostwalker Schwarz. I am a live DJ here on secondlife. I play mainly Country but also do Classic Rock. I do take request when I am working but only in the genre of the event I am currently in. I like to have a lot of fun and love my music. Helping other people to have fun is what really makes me happy, especially making sure they have an awesome time while I DJ. So now it is time to party and have a great time. I look forward to meeting you and seeing you at my events. If you would like to join my DJ group so you know where I am working feel free to IM me.
"There are no strangers on Secondlife, just friends I have not met yet".
Thank You,
Ghostwalker Schwarz
Send him an IM to see where he's at next!

Hey yall, Dumplings is a place that does live Music, has live DJ's and country shops.
Here is what the group charter says:
Dumpling's is a group for all who enjoy good friends, country music and line dancing.
If you are just joining us, Welcome to the family. If you have been a member for a while now , thank you for your continued support.
Dumplings has 184 members as of today. Here is your slurl for Dumplings
Stop by to see what events they have going on.
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