Here's an interesting place for you to check out. Hansei River Horses..... if your looking for a new SL horse, these act about as real as you can get. You can breed them, ride them, raise them, sell act auction, just like the real thing.
Ok, if you head over there.....one thing. There is a new little colt born today named "Way Out Here". You can buy him pretty cheap but if you take him home, make sure you take care of him properly cuz I named him. If not, I'll come lookin for ya :)
You might want to check out the Grand Opening coming up. Here's the info:
☞☞☞ HANSEI RIVER HORSES (Amaretto Breedables) ☜☜☜
★ ★ ★ GRAND OPENING WEEK!!! (December 6-12) :★ ★ ★
Hansei River sells a full line of Amaretto Breedable Horses and Bundles on a beautiful western sim. Come for the fun or buy a horse. Ride them or breed your own and sell them!!
http://moolto.ning.com/group/hanseiriverhorses <==Join our group
http://moolto.ning.com/events/hansei-river-horse-ranch <== check our events
☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀ EVENTS: ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀
♞ 2 Auctions ♞
Thurs Dec 9, 5-6pm SLT
Sat Dec 11, 12-1pm SLT
♬ 2 Live Music Concerts ♬
Tues Dec 7, 5-6pm SLT - RENO SEGALL
☊ 1 Disco Party - w/DJ Country Western theme ☊
Mon Dec 6, 5-7pm SLT - DJ Strummer Skytower
HOST: Lips Contepomi
★ Freebies
★ Shops
Harm's Way
Pet's Pics
Xi Hermit Tarot
That's YT!
Doll Life
Bond Street
Restrained Freedom
For Special requests and deals on horses contact Sunnoble Shippe or Jocelyn Moyet