On Saturday, June 26th, 2011, Raven Bechir Hamelin, Owner of The Rockin Roost Roadhouse, hosted what turned out to be one of the most heartwarming benefits ever held at The Rockin Roost Roadhouse.
Justme Carlucci, member of the Rockin Roost family of performers, RL 2 year old son Thomas is to have surgery the 13th of July. With just little over one week to prepare and with the assistance of other family members, Raven put together a 6 hour benefit that was amazing.
Some of the best Musicians in SL, entertained a full house for the entire 6 hours. As performers often do, forfeiting their tips, matching donations, offering CD’s and encouraging family, friends and guest to donate, helping the Carlucci family with expenses during their stay at the Hospital.
Onehempcat Oldrich, dual streaming with KevinMThomas Carpool says it all when he told the room “Musicians are a very tight family, when a brother or sister needs help, we got their back. I heard about this event and I wanted to help”
“I have performed at benefits, and it made me feel really good. I have attended benefits and donated, and it made me feel really good. To be on the receiving end of the collective effort is overwhelming. There are no words to describe the appreciation and the gratitude felt by me and my family. Thank you just doesn’t seem to be enough. Saying it a million times isn’t enough. Thank you soo much Raven, friends, family and supporters. The outpour of love and support touched me very deeply.
Amazing performances were done by Scarletta Laroux, Balley Bernard, RB Hamelin, Quinton Whitman, Onehempcat Oldrich, KevinMThomas Carpool, Rania Darkrose, ReggieSunset Rookswood, Chapman Zane, The Frog Pond Puddlers and the finale’ was the debut of 2 year old Thomas Carlucci, strumming his toy guitar and singing with his dad. La la la to Keb Mo’s Lullaby Baby Blue.
Thanks also goes out to Dottie Iceberg of Guthries Folk Club and Purelife Magnifico of Purelife Lodge for putting out donation boards and their support at the Bennefit.
Hey Yall, sometimes SL and RL do come together and good people are good people in both lives.